Thursday, September 5, 2013



Change. First thing that pop up in our head mesti pasal, tudung. When actually it means more than that. Orang yang dah bertudung pun kena berubah hari hari to the better. Nobody's perfect and we make sins everyday. In fact me, myself hari hari buat dosa. Mungkin terkutuk orang ke or cakap something yang menyakitkan hati orang. Or even tertunjuk aurat to those yang bukan mahram. Even the slightest thing pun Allah kira. Dosa tetap dosa. 

But what's with change? Sometimes, people around kita ni judgemental. Bukan sometimes la mmg semua pun suka judge orang. Suruh orang berubah macam benda tu kerja senang. Sedangkan diri sendiri tak betul lagi. You should know that change is not an easy job okay. I went through all that and still in progress of changing and it is not easy. Bukan senang nak suruh orang berubah and of course orang tu tak kan berubah overnight. I'm not focusing on someone but semua orang pun. 

I took step by step to change into what I am now. Some people ambik the first step but dah tak teruskan the next step. Tak berubah lagi sedangkan we all should change everyday. Take small steps tak apa, asalkan ada progress. I'm not bragging about my progress because I honestly think I am no near the title "alim". But my job here is to remind as a friend bcs it is one of my responsibilities as a friend, a human being. 

To those yang dah tergerak hati nak berubah but still hesitate, I advice you to just do it. Go for it. Allah memang tunggu hambaNya berubah but masa tak tunggu. Takdir, qada', qadar tak tunggu. Death tak tunggu. Kiamat tak tunggu. If not now, then bila lagi? To those yang dah ambil the first step yakni memakai tudung but belum betul, take the following steps. Kedua ketiga dan seterusnya. Keluar rumah tu tanya diri sendiri, 'Allah suka ke kalau aku pakai macam ni?' If you think yes, then okay. Kalau tak, change. 

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