Sunday, February 2, 2014

Of highlight of the week


I can't deny how exciting this week has been. Too many things happened this week that I will keep as memories. My family and I went absolutely nowhere far for CNY holidays. We went to Rawang on Friday to my aunt's house, we call her Mama. She moved to Batu Caves a year ago but haven't get the chance to clear her old house in Rawang to rent it out so we helped her (well not really, we arrived after everything was done lol). We brought our things that we want to give out to orphanage from Kajang. Everyone does that too. After we done that, we went to Serendah, my other aunt's (Mak kecik) house. She live in KL currently but she has another house. Getaway house, sort of. So we just hang there for couple of hours doing completely nothing other than eating and talking. But I had so much fun. 

That evening while the others are still at the house, my cousins and I went to Sekeping Serendah mainly to take some pictures bcs my cousin, Kak Iera wants to do her reunion there but unfortunately the guard didn't allow us to go inside. That place is so exclusive, I guess. Then we went to a waterfall nearby. We didn't swim though, but we took loads of pictures of ourselves and of course, the waterfall. 

Moving on to Saturday, my family and I didn't go anywhere except for Papa. He and Abg Amir, our cousin on Papa's side went back to Kuala Pilah, our hometown to visit nenek. They stayed there for one night. So it was just us five girls. That night we went to a wedding at Bangi Golf Resort. The place was okay. The food was okay too. So that was it for yesterday. 

Today my cousin (again but this time is from Mama's side), Kak Ja got engaged to her 11-years-of-knowing-each-other boyfriend. I can't believe though that she is getting married. I'll miss her, definitely. Everything went well alhamdulillah. Everyone from Mama's side was there watching her future mother in law putting a ring on her ring finger. It was wonderful seeing her very happy yet very nervous. I pray that I get to witness this kind of ceremony again next time. There are still many cousins of mine that haven't get married :p anyway, congratulations Kak Ja! 💕

I am so tired and I have school tomorrow. Yay T_T

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