Sunday, March 2, 2014

Best day of my life.


So last Thursday was my 17th birthday and honestly I could say, it was one of the best days of my life! Since the clock strike to 1200, everything was so perfect. 

So it began i like this, pukul 12 je mama wished me Happy Birthday bcs I was sleeping next to her at that moment. Yeap, few minutes bfr my birthday I fell asleep sbb it was weekdays! What do you expect? Then I said to her "thank you for giving birth to me, ma" then she said "i love giving birth to you. Beranakkan Tya lah paling senang. Tak ada problem apa apa pun. Tau tau je dah keluar" hahaha I love to hear that. Mama cakap, on that year mama & papa banyak problem, papa kena retrenched. Everything serba tak kena but alhamdulillah raising me up is not difficult, up until now, i hope aha. 

At school, I have PE that day. Mmg dah sebulan tak ada PE sbb perhimpunan terlalu lama and makan masa PE. But that day, thank God perhimpunan habis awal! We all dapat main douche ball. It was fun but Cendekia lost to Karisma but it was seriously FUN. Then in class my classmates sang me birthday song, Wibawa did that too. Sumpah overwhelmed gila. I got warm wishes from everyone, alhamdulillah. Cikgu Nadzri & Teacher Gurdip gave me a box of cupcakes that written "Happy B'day Attelya SPM 9A" terharu tahap max sampai boleh mengalir air mata ok hahaha. So I whatsapp teacher to thank her for the cupcakes. 

                    *nangis lagi!*

So balik sekolah, dah petang bcs I stayed back. Nothing much. Dinner with mum & Dyna. Pukul 9 dah mengantuk. But then Sarah whatsapp-ed me asking whether I am asleep or not. So i said "nope not yet, why?" 
"go dress up now" 
"Jgn main main la" 
Mimi said "main apa" it is a group whtsapp fyi. Then I answered "dress up apa". Nobody replies after that. I freaked out la takut dorang plan something. At that time dah cuak gila tangan pun dah sejuk sejuk hahaha. 

Then I heard orang bagi salam dekat luar. Bila jenguk, it was Sarah. I was in my pyjamas kot! I asked mama yang keluar, then Sarah masuk suruh siap siap. I was like, nak pergi mana niiiiii hahahaha. So I did as what she asked. Tukar baju semua then bila keluar, everyone was outside. My bestfriends. The guys & the girls semua ada. Mama suruh dorang masuk and makan dekat dalam sebab they all brought food. So kita semua makan gelak gelak ambil gambar and everything. I was really touched and overwhelmed. Happy sangat sangat that they all datang buat surpise siap masakkan spaghetti, ayam & brownies for me. Dorang semua pulak baru balik tuition then terus datang. I can never thank them enough. I'll just love you forever to repay all of these okay :p

Despite everything, mesti ada one thing yang I don't get. Orang kata, you won't get everything you wanted. You win some, you lose some, right? Throught out my birthday, I didnt get to see my dad. Dia balik masa I already asleep, I woke up and he's still sleeping. So mmg tak dapat jumpa dia while we both terjaga. But dia still wish through message itupun mama yang ingtkan bcs he never remembers hahaha. 

Only after my birthday baru dapat tahu yang mama komplot dengan my friends since awaaaal. I didn't know at all. Patutlah that night after mandi mama pakai decent. Biasanya mama pakai pyjamas je. I asked her kenapa pakai lawa lawa ni and dia bagi alasan and I was like "oh okay". Serious tak fikir apa apa. Lepastu she said dia mcm malas nak masak nasi berlauk. Dia nak masak mihun goreng. Funny how I still tak dapat tangkap that's she was acting too. Bila fikir balik baru lah macam wow everything makes sense now. 

Alhamdulillah I am 17 now. Bersyukur sangat sangat! All praises to Him. Allah bagi lagi masa untuk perbaiki diri sebab I sinned too much. Ya Allah let me live a little longer untill You are satisfied with me. Ameen. May Allah bless everyone who read this, and the ones who wished me or even remembered my birthday. You mean so much to me. Thank you :) x

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