Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
The last month of the year is here again. Year, by year, time just keeps on running. I mean, I'm not the only one who thinks this year flew by, am I? So since it is December, I've been thinking about the new year resolutions I made in January and wonder if I have actually achieved if not all, some of them. I actually have been sticking to it the whole year. I live my life everyday thinking of eating vegetables, and contemplate whether I should eat or just be on diet (bcs I wanted to lose weight 😂) and also so eager to donate blood if I have the chance to. You can read the entry of my 2017 resolutions here. Lets see how well I do this year...
1) I was hoping to blog more. Well.. I thought of blogging at least once every month but I did skip April, May, July and some others, LOL. But I definitely blogged more than I did last year, though.
2) I did khatam Al-Quran again. Sometime in July, I think.. Or August if I remember it correctly. Alhamdulillah.
3) I started 2017 wit 60kgs. Was almost 55kgs around June (Ramadan, yeah 😅) but gained back 2kgs after that. I am now 58kgs.
4) I did not get a driving license.
5) My CGPA is alright. Surviving, and maintaining still hahahah
6) Donated blood TWICE! Mad respect for my own self. I was scared and nervous for both times, of course but did it anyway. The second donation was not a good experience, I'm telling you. I was in trauma for a good week. Right now, I still wanna do it again hehe
7) I started eating veggies already, like I already said. Now, my choice of veggies are still pretty limited. I only eat salad, kobis, kailan and kangkung depending on the dish. I don't mind sayur in my burger anymore and I started requesting lauk sayur from Mum. I guess I'm doing great, hahah.
I'll be writing and listing down my 2018 resolutions soon and I only have approximately 3 weeks to think of what I want to achieve next. As for this year's, I think I have done pretty well. Most of them are accomplished, alhamdulillah. *pats own back*
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